I am pleased to announce that another new version of CodeGen has been released, is available for immediate use, and contains several powerful new features:
- We added a new structure expression token <IF STRUCTURE_PII_FIELDS> that indicates whether any field in a structure has been tagged as containing PII (Personally Identifiable Information). We also added a new field loop expression token <IF PII_SCRUB> that indicates whether a field has been tagged as containing PII data, and a new field loop expansion token <FIELD_PII_TYPE> which inserts the type of PII data a field contains.
- We added a new field loop expression token <IF USED_IN_RELATION> that can be used to determine whether the field currently being processed is involved in any relations to other structures.
- We added a new custom field loop expression token <IF HARMONYCORE_CUSTOM_FIELD> and a new custom field loop expansion token <HARMONYCORE_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE> to the Harmony Core extensions assembly. In a future release Harmony Core will use these new features to allow developers to easily implement support for custom field types that may be implemented within their applications data set.
- We added a new tag loop expansion token <TAGLOOP_FIELD_SNTYPE> and relation key segment loop expansion token <LITERAL_SEGMENT_SNTYPE>.
Additionally, because the Symphony Framework is no longer maintained by Synergex, and is no longer an open source development effort, we have decided to discontinue the distribution of the “Symphony Framework CodeGen Extensions” assembly that was formerly distributed along with CodeGen. We continue to support the addition of custom extensions and the Symphony Framework extensions can be added back at any time by any Synergy developer with the necessary Synergy .NET development tools.
This version of CodeGen was built with Synergy/DE 11.1.1 and requires a minimum of version 10.1.1 to operate.