Announcing Synergy/DE 11.1.1d
June 9, 2020Unit Testing in Traditional Synergy
June 12, 2020We are introducing a new download experience for all version 11 products. As we continue to migrate functionality from the Original Resource Center to the New Resource Center, product downloads are the latest functionality to move across. To access downloads for version 11 products, first, go to the Products page, and, if not already logged in, then do so.
As you can see, the products page now includes a new Downloads option, which, takes you to a new, improved, and simplified download experience. We have tried to make the experience as simple as possible for most people, with all of the most frequently downloaded products being available with a single click.
The most popular downloads for the latest released version are available via a single-click on one of the prominent blue buttons. But if you need downloads for ancillary products, such as xfNetLink .NET, or different platforms, or older v11 versions of the products, then the text links under “Downloads for all Supported Platforms” take you to pages where everything is available. For example, here’s the downloads page for the IBM AIX platform:
The downloads for the latest version of products for the platform are once again directly downloadable via a single click.
Also, notice the “Select Version” drop-down control, which allows you to pick from earlier versions of the product for the selected platform. Currently, we have moved the downloads for all of the version 11 products, so that includes the following versions:
- 11.1.1
- 11.1.1a
- 11.1.1b
- 11.1.1c
- 11.1.1d
This represents a significant change from the previous download site. Previously, for any given release, say 11.1, you would only be able to download the latest patch version of any product. When we published a patch for a product, we removed all earlier versions of that release. From now on, when we publish any download for a product, that download remains available for use at any time in the future.
The only exception to this rule is in the improbable scenario that we discover a severe flaw in an installer or in the product, which requires us to replace a download with a subsequent version and remove the previous version to guarantee that nobody else downloads it.
The downloads for all of the previous product versions are still available in the Original Resource Center. We do plan to move those downloads across to the new site, version by version, starting with version 10 and working back from there. We hope to migrate the version 10 downloads across somewhere in the June time-frame, but we have not committed to a specific date yet.
By the way, if you scroll down a little on the platform download pages, you can access various important information and notes, and view a release log showing the timeline of the current and previous releases.
If you attempt to access the new downloads site and find that you can’t see it, the most likely reason is that individual users must be granted downloads access within the resource center. This was also the case in the original resource center, and we believe that we have migrated the permissions to the new site. But if you think you should be able to see downloads and can’t, try contacting your resource center admin (each company has one or more nominated admins), or contact the Synergex Customer Services team for assistance.
We hope that you like the new downloads experience, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.