We’re excited to announce SDI 2023.12.1823, the latest version of Synergy DBL Integration for Visual Studio, now available to download in the Synergex Resource Center. This update represents another significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to enhancing the Synergy development experience within Visual Studio.
Notable enhancements:
- Thread Safety. We continued resolving bugs identified by SonarQube’s static code analysis, including updates to locking mechanisms required for thread safety.
- Project Templates. A new project template NuGet package was created to support using “dotnet new” for Synergy project types.
- Telemetry Exceptions. Diagnostic data from telemetry enabled us to discover and fix the most impactful SDI exceptions, improving general behavior and reducing intermittent failures.
- Build. We fixed an Interop project issue that caused generated code to assign uninitialized records resulting in build failures.
- IntelliSense. In traditional Synergy projects, selecting :optval for the “Relax strong prototyping validation (-qrelaxed)” option no longer triggers invalid red squiggles, ensuring a smoother coding experience.
Please send any questions or feedback on SDI to Tim Bauguess, Director of Software Development, at tim.bauguess@synergex.com.