Documentation conventions
The Synergy/DE documentation uses the following conventions:
- In code syntax, text that you type is in a monospaced font. Variables that either represent or should be replaced with specific data are in italic type.
- Optional arguments are enclosed in [italic square brackets]. If an argument is omitted and the comma is outside the brackets, a comma must be used as a placeholder, unless the omitted argument is the last argument in a subroutine. If the comma is inside the brackets and an argument is omitted, the comma may also be omitted.
- Arguments that can be repeated one or more times are followed by an ellipsis…
- A vertical bar (|) in syntax means to choose between the arguments on either side of the bar.
- Data types are boldface. The data type in parentheses at the end of an argument description (for example, (n)) documents how the argument will be treated within the routine. An a represents alpha, a d represents decimal or implied-decimal, an i represents integer, and an n represents numeric (which means the type can be d or i).
- The grid below indicates on which platforms and in which environments a routine, statement, etc., is supported: on Windows (W), on Unix (U), on OpenVMS (V), or in Synergy .NET (N), which is supported on Windows and Linux. By “supported” we mean that the item performs a useful function on that platform or environment. For example, an unsupported routine may cause a compiler error or it may just not do anything.WSupported on WindowsUSupported on UnixVSupported on OpenVMSNSupported in Synergy .NET