Synergy DBL directory

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET

The DBLDIR environment variable tells Synergy which directory contains your Synergy/DE distribution. It is required for normal operation of Synergy/DE tools and programs.

The path, including the device, for the directory that contains the Synergy/DE distribution files. The path should be the full path specification without any logicals. You can terminate the path with a backslash (\), but it is not necessary.

As of version 10, Synergy/DE is always installed to the default Program Files\Synergex location.

On OpenVMS, SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYNERGY_STARTUP.COM defines the directory variable.

DBLDIR is set to the correct location based on the current Synergy installation’s SYNERGYDE32 and SYNERGYDE64 environment variables for all runtimes and utilities.

Runtime, isutl, xfServer, xfServerPlus

On Windows, if set in the synergy.ini file,


On Unix,

DBLDIR=/usr/synergyde/dbl     ;export DBLDIR

On OpenVMS,