Include “Edit” entry on system menu

WSupported on Windows




The EDIT_SYSMENU environment variable determines whether the “Edit” menu entry is placed on the application window’s system menu.

One of the following flags:

0 = Do not include the “Edit” menu entry.

1 = Include the “Edit” menu entry. (default)

The “Edit” menu entry is actually a submenu containing the entries “Mark,” “Copy,” and “Paste.” As an alternative to using the “Edit” system menu entry, the “Mark,” “Cut,” “Copy,” “Paste,” and “Clear” edit menu entries are available in UI Toolkit to be placed on a designated menu column. See Appendix B: Reserved Menu Entries for a list of the reserved edit menu entries and their functions.

The environment or the [synergy], [dbr], or [myprog] section of synergy.ini (where myprog is any .dbr file).


If set in the synergy.ini file,
