Memory used by SORT

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix


NSupported in Synergy .NET

The SORTMEM environment variable was deprecated in in Synergy/DE version 10.3.3c; we recommend you use SORTMEMMAX instead. The sort process now automatically determines the optimal amount of memory to use. Because SORTMEM overrides this optimal memory sizing, it should no longer be set.

The SORTMEM environment variable specifies the amount of memory the SORT statement can use.

The number of kilobytes of memory to be used by the sort. This value must be greater than 512. The default is determined by the sort to be the optimal amount of memory to avoid excessive intermediate I/O.

SORTMEM is used by the SORT verb in the runtime, either locally or when both files specified to the SORT are remote. SORTMEM is used on the server when the sort is on the server. It is used by the runtime when the sort is local and not on a server.

For a local file, in the environment or synergy.ini (Windows).

On a Windows server, in the Windows registry. Use the Synergy Configuration Program, or set SORTMEM as follows:

On a Unix server, in the synrc file in the /etc directory (for all clients) or the .synrc file in the users $HOME directory (for specific users).

Runtime, xfServer

On Unix,

SORTMEM=8192   ;export SORTMEM