Pooling support method timeout for xfNetLink .NET




NSupported in Synergy .NET

The XFNLNET_CLASS_INITIALIZETIMEOUT setting specifies now long xfNetLink .NET will wait for a return from a remote call to xfServerPlus when any of the five pooling support methods are called. It can be set for all classes or a single class.

The number of seconds xfNetLink .NET will wait for a return from a remote call to xfServerPlus when any of the five pooling support methods are called.

The default is 30 seconds. This value should be set to less than the connect timeout (XFNLNET_CLASS_CONNECTTIMEOUT). If it is not, the connect timeout is used instead.

CLASS in the environment variable name can be either DEFAULT (which means the setting applies to all classes) or the name of a specific class in your assembly (which means it applies only to that class).

This environment variable can be used with any xfNetLink .NET application. If an application configuration file exists for a .NET Framework application, the value set in the config file will override the corresponding environment variable.

The environment where the client program runs.

xfNetLink .NET


Using the pooling support methods