DotNetObject property indexer get method

WSupported on Windows




value = object[index]



An object returned by the DotNetObject constructor (if the indexer is used on the class) or some other indexed field, property, or method return type on which to use the indexer.


Returned with the value of the field as System.Object.


The value of the index to use, starting at 0.


Calling the indexer get method is similar to getting the value of a member of a single-dimension array based on its index.

If the member contains a value instead of an object, the value will be returned following the rules in the Objects Returned for .NET Types table.

Index must be greater than or equal to 1 or less than or equal to the number of elements; otherwise, an $ERR_SUBSCR error will occur.

See Properties and indexers for more information about indexers.


The example below sets str to equal the string located at position 5 in dnObject (similar to an array).

str = dnObject[5]