Set the value of an environment variable

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall SETLOG(logical, [translation], status)



The case-sensitive logical name of the environment variable to set. (a)


(optional) The environment variable’s new value. (a)


The variable that will be loaded with one of the following values: (n)

1 = The routine was successful.

0 = The routine was not successful.


The SETLOG subroutine sets the value of an environment variable or logical device in the current environment. (See Environment Variables for information about specific environment variables.) On Unix and OpenVMS, a maximum of 254 characters can be set.


Environment variable are a process-wide operating system concept. Therefore, using SETLOG to set an environment variable in any .NET thread or AppDomain sets that environment variable in all threads and AppDomains.


For Toolkit-specific environment variables, the U_START routine must be called before SETLOG.

You can use the SETLOG subroutine to process DBLOPT options at runtime, which enables you to toggle runtime options on and off. (We recommend using %OPTION to set system options.)

If you don’t pass a translation value on Windows or OpenVMS, the SETLOG subroutine unsets (deletes) the specified environment variable. If you don’t pass a translation value on Unix, the SETLOG subroutine clears the specified variable, but the variable remains defined.

SETLOG only affects the current environment and any child processes; when your program terminates, the environment variable is the same as when your program began. Typically, environment variables are only read by the runtime when it starts up; therefore, setting any of them with SETLOG only affects child processes. However, the following environment variables change in response to a call to SETLOG: DBLCASE (Unix only), DBLOPT, ISAMC_REV (Unix and Windows), SCSCOMPR (Unix and Windows), TERM (Unix only), and TNMBR.

On OpenVMS, because SETLOG requires the command line interpreter, if you are using xfServerPlus, you cannot XCALL this routine from within a shared image.

You can use the SETLOG subroutine to create search list logicals. To do this, separate the individual elements of the list with commas within the translation value. If you want to create an ordinary logical that contains a comma, you must enclose at least the comma in quotation marks, just as you would with the DEFINE command in DCL.

For example:




could be coded as

xcall setlog("DBLOPT", "35’,’43", status)


xcall setlog("DBLOPT", "’35,43’", status)

To include a quotation mark in the translation value, use two consecutive quotation marks in the value string:

xcall setlog("LOGNAME", ’He said ""Hello""’)

To include quotation marks of the same type as the string delimiting quotation marks, you must include four quotation marks. Each pair designates one quotation mark in the string that builds into the code. For example, the above setting could be coded

xcall setlog("LOGNAME", "He said """"HELLO""""")


The following example sets the value for SCSPREFETCH and then writes a message to the screen based on whether it was set successfully.

   sts   ,d1
   open(15, o, 'tt:')
   xcall setlog("SCSPREFETCH", "8", sts)
     if (sts) then
        writes(15, "SCSPREFETCH enabled")
        writes(15, "SCSPREFETCH disabled")

The following example unsets the environment variable specified by lognam.

xcall setlog(lognam,, status)