Appendix C: xfODBC Troubleshooting Guide

This guide describes the steps needed to troubleshoot issues you may encounter when accessing data via xfODBC. For information on troubleshooting issues with system catalog creation, see Troubleshooting system catalog generation.

This topic includes the following sections:


Flowchart for data access issues

The flowchart below illustrates the general flow of troubleshooting steps for xfODBC data access issues. The sections that follow provide details on these steps.

You won’t necessarily go through all these steps for every data issue with xfODBC. And as the omega characters (Ω) in the flowchart indicate, there may be situations where you’ll need to contact Synergy/DE Developer Support.

1. xfODBC troubleshooting flowchart.

Step 1: Gather full information on the setup

Whenever you encounter an xfODBC issue, you’ll need to start by making sure you have a complete picture of your xfODBC configuration. Gather all the information mentioned in the applicable setup diagram below (stand-alone or client/server), and note any other configuration details that could be relevant.

2. xfODBC setup diagram for stand-alone access.

3. xfODBC setup diagram for client/server (i.e., SQL OpenNet access).

Step 2: Get a complete picture of the problem and validate the setup

In addition to understanding the setup, you’ll need to bear in mind all details pertaining to the problem, and you’ll need to validate the setup.

1. Make sure you can answer the following questions, and gather any other information that could be relevant:
2. Follow instructions in Validating your xfODBC setup for data access to validate your xfODBC configuration and start the troubleshooting process. Also see Notes on connection problems (below), and note that you can use ODBC Test to validate your xfODBC configuration (see Step 4: Run ODBC Test below).

Step 3: Research the issue, get the SQL statement

Once you have all the pertinent details about your xfODBC configuration and have validated it, find all published information related to the issue:

Then, unless the problem is a socket error or a connection problem, make sure the SQL statement (which you examined in the previous step) is correct. If you’re not sure of the exact query (e.g., a query generated by MS Query), or if you have doubts about the query, run ODBC trace logging, which will show the exact query used by the application. See the notes on logging in Step 5: Use logging and reproduce in a test environment if necessary (below).

Step 4: Run ODBC Test

If in the last step you weren’t able to solve the issue, the next step is to download and run ODBC Test in a stand-alone configuration or on a client in a client/server configuration. (ODBC Test must run on the machine with the DSN used to access the database.)

Make sure ODBC Test can access the database, and then test the query. (If ODBC Test cannot access the database, there is a problem with the configuration. Go back to Step 2: Get a complete picture of the problem and validate the setup.) Make sure you are using the following:

Note: For a 32-bit ODBC-enabled application on a 64-bit system (e.g., a Visual Studio version prior to Visual Studio 2022 on a 64-bit system), there should be two identical DSNs: one 32-bit and one 64-bit (see Adding a user or system DSN).

Using ODBC Test should help you determine whether the SQL statement and setup are correct:

Step 5: Use logging and reproduce in a test environment if necessary

Keep in mind that logging can cause a production environment to slow down, which can be a serious problem. So it is generally best to reproduce the issue in an isolated test environment with a stand-alone configuration and turn on logging in that environment.

The following table lists and briefly describes error logging types commonly used for troubleshooting. For details on the following, for a diagram that shows how the different logging types work with the various xfODBC layers, and for information on logging that’s less commonly used for troubleshooting, see Error logging for xfODBC.

Logging type



ODBC trace logging (Windows)

Logs ODBC API calls passed from the ODBC application to the ODBC Driver Manager

It is not always possible to use ODBC trace logging for services like SQL Server linked queries. (The trace logging would have to be set, then the system rebooted.) Some additional notes and tips:

  • Clear the log and then enable it.
  • Synergy errors will be marked with “[ODBC]”.
  • For a small file, it may be sufficient to scroll through the file looking for indications of problems. For a longer file, search for “sql_error”.
  • Every ODBC API call entry in this log should have an enter section and an exit section, so look for an entry that doesn’t have an exit, which indicates that the operation failed before it exited.
  • The entries show which version of ODBC is required for the ODBC API call.
  • Some errors are normal and expected in different applications, so don’t assume every error is an xfODBC problem.
  • “Syntax error” usually indicates that a reserved word was used.

Vortex API logging (Windows) and Vortex Host logging

Record API calls made by the xfODBC driver.

These are for local connections only (i.e., where the Vortex driver setting in the DSN is set to Genesis). These logs can be difficult to interpret, but they do make it possible to see the exact SQL statement issued to the database, debug SQL statement errors, and verify optimization. There is Vortex host logging for client/server setups (see Vortex host logging), but Vortex API logging is recommended.

Synergy DBMS logging (aka SDMS logging)

Records ISAM calls made from the Synergy database driver to your Synergy database.

This is server-side logging. It enables you to debug open file errors, licensing errors, and connection failures.

vtxnetd/vtxnet2 logging (or TCM logging)

Records connection requests.

If the program can’t start a worker thread or process, this logging records the reason for the failure. You may be able to use this to determine why a connection is failing in a client/server configuration (e.g., encryption issues) and to find out which OpenSSL version is installed. See also Using data packet encryption for SQL OpenNet.

SET OPTION logging

Records information about indexes used to optimize a query.

This logging shows you which indexes are being used and whether a statement is optimized. (It is not for error conditions.) See also Creating a file for query processing options.

Synergy driver logging

Enables you to determine if a system catalog is cached.


Step Ω: Contacting Synergy/DE Developer Support

By the time you have arrived at this step, you’ve gathered all the relevant information, created a complete picture of the configuration, fully understood the problem, looked up error information, used ODBC Test to validate the configuration and the SQL statement, and generated any logs that could shed light on the issue. If you are still unable to solve the problem, it’s time to contact Synergy/DE Developer Support. See Contacting Synergy/DE Developer Support for more information.

Notes on connection problems

As always, start by gathering all relevant information, looking up the error in documentation and KB, and confirming that everything is set up correctly. It may be necessary to involve your network engineers or IT. Some questions to consider:

If you can connect with ODBC Test, but not with your ODBC-enabled application, check the DSN(s).

Notes on data access issues

As always, start by gathering all relevant information, looking up the error in documentation and KB, and confirming that everything is set up correctly. Additionally, note the following:

For information on errors, see Data access errors.

Notes on performance issues and unexpected results

The following is the basic procedure for performance issues and unexpected results:

Note: It is always best to reproduce performance issues in a stand-alone configuration.

For more information on performance issues, see Optimizing Data Access.

Using ODBC Test

When using ODBC Test to test a configuration or query, it must reside and run on the machine that has the DSN used to access the database, and it must have the same bitness as the ODBC-enabled application that accesses the database. For example, if you want to test a 32-bit application’s access to Synergy data on a 32-bit machine, use a 32-bit version of ODBC Test. For further guidelines, see Step 4: Run ODBC Test above.

To set up and run ODBC Test,

1. Download and install the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) SDK. See Microsoft’s information on ODBC Test for more information.
2. In the Windows Start menu, expand the “Microsoft Data Access SDK” entry, and select the OCDBCTest entry for your setup. For example, for a 32-bit Unicode application, select “ODBCTest (Unicode, x86)”.
3. If you want more error information than ODBC Test displays by default, select Tools > Options from the ODBC Test menu, and then select “Automatic Error Checking” and click OK.
4. Click the toolbar button with the handshake icon (third from the left). This opens a list of DSNs that match the bitness of the version of ODBC Test you are running.
5. Select the DSN you want to use (e.g., double-click it). If any required information (username, password, or connect file) is not in the DSN, you’ll be prompted to enter it in the “xfODBC Info” window. The defaults for user and password (which should be replaced in production environments) are:
  • DBA or DBADMIN as the user ID
  • MANAGER as the password
6. If ODBC Test is able to connect (if the message “Successfully connected to DSN ‘<your DSN name>’” is displayed in the lower pane), enter the query you want to test in the upper pane.
7. To execute the query, click the toolbar button with the red exclamation mark. A message indicating whether the query was successful will be displayed in the lower pane of ODBC Test. For example:


8. To get the result set for the query, click the toolbar button with the grid/table icon (to the right of the button with the red exclamation mark). This will cause the result set to be displayed in the bottom pane of ODBC Test.
9. To disconnect from the database, click the toolbar button with the icon with two separated hands, which is to the right of the handshake button.