DBA error messages

This topic lists errors you may encounter when using the xfODBC Database Administrator (DBA) program. For information on errors you may encounter when generating a system catalog, see dbcreate errors and warning messages. For information on data access errors, see Data access errors.

Cannot connect to catalog - connect_filename

The specified connect file does not exist in the GENESIS_HOME directory.

Cannot delete a system catalog table

You cannot delete system catalog tables (GENESIS_*) in DBA.

Cannot delete group: group_name

The group you are trying to delete has users assigned to it. Delete the associated users; then delete the group.

Cannot open GENESIS_TABLES.ISM table

The system table file cannot be opened. Verify that the system table files GENESIS_TABLES.ISM and GENESIS_TABLES.IS1 (in Windows and Unix environments) are in the dictsource directory specified in your connect file. (OpenVMS systems should have the GENESIS_TABLES.ISM file. Windows and Unix systems should have both files.)

Cannot open system catalog in path

The path specified on the dictsource line in the connect file is invalid. Verify that the dictsource path contains the system catalog files, GENESIS_*. If the dictsource path contains an environment variable, verify that this variable is set in the environment.

Dictionary source path not found in the connect file

The path specified by dictsource in the connect file does not exist. Verify that the connect file contains a dictsource specification and that the path specified actually exists. If the dictsource path contains an environment variable, verify that this variable is set in the environment.

Duplicate group ID specified, try again

The group ID you specified already exists. Re-enter group information.

Duplicate user name specified, try again

The combination of username, password, and group ID you entered for a new user already exists. Re-enter the user information.

ERROR: Cannot open one of the system catalog tables

While verifying the database, DBA could not open one of the system catalog tables. Check that all system catalog files are in the dictsource directory specified in the connect file.

ERROR: Index index_name - segment column field column_name not found

While verifying the database, DBA could not find a segment in the system column table. Regenerate the system catalog using dbcreate or DBA (Catalog > Generate). If the problem persists, you’ll need to open your repository and make corrections to your data definitions.

ERROR: Index index_name not found

While verifying the database, DBA could not find an index in the system column table. Regenerate the system catalog using dbcreate or DBA (Catalog > Generate). If the problem persists, you must open your repository and make corrections to your data definitions.

Error reading initialization file

A file error has occurred while reading the conversion setup file. Open the conversion setup file with a text editor and verify that all data files exist in the specified directories. If environment variables are used, verify that those variables are set in the environment.

Incomplete group record

To complete the group record, fill in a group name and access level.

Incomplete user record

To complete the user record, fill in a username, password, and group ID.

Invalid group ID specified, try again

The group ID you entered is invalid. For a list of valid group IDs, select User Maintenance > Select Group.

Login failed: invalid group access: user_ID

The user does not have the necessary access level to open the system catalog. To use DBA, the user must belong to a group with an access level of 254 or 255. If no such user exists, you may need to re-initialize users and groups for the system catalog you are attempting to open.

Login failed: invalid group ID: group_ID

The user’s group ID was not found in the system group file. Use a different user to open the system catalog. This indicates that the user or group catalog files have become corrupt. You may need to re-initialize users and groups.

Login failed: invalid password

The password entered does not match the password assigned to the user. Enter the correct password.

Login failed: invalid user name: username

The username entered does not match any in the system user table.

Login failed: missing user ID

No username was entered. Enter a username in the User name field of the Open System Catalog window, or enter a string with the following format in the Connect file field of the Open System Catalog window: user_ID/password/connect_filename.

Login failed: unable to open group file

The system group files cannot be accessed. Verify that the system group files (sodbc_groups.*) are in the dictsource directory specified in the connect file.

Login failed: unable to open user file

The system user files cannot be accessed. Verify that the system user files (sodbc_users.*) are in the dictsource directory specified in the connect file.

Missing argument for option_name option

The -c, -g, and -v options must be followed by an argument. See Options .

No window library file found

Set SODBC_DBA to the directory containing xfdba.is1 (in Windows and Unix environments), and xfdba.ism. These are the UI Toolkit window library files for the DBA program. The xfdba.dbr file must also be in this directory.

Too many arguments for option option

The -c, -g, and -v options may have only one argument, and -i may not have any arguments.

WARNING: the name name is one of the SQL reserved words

While verifying the database, DBA has discovered that an SQL reserved word is used for a column names. The SQL parser is cannot execute the SQL statement. Use Synergy/DE Repository to change name to one that is not reserved by SQL. For a list of SQL reserved words, see ODBC reserved words.