Converting repositories to another language

You can unload text from your repository so that it can be translated to another language. The manner in which the repository is divided into two files (main and text) simplifies customization for other languages: while the repository main file contains all non-textual information, the repository text file contains all text strings.

1. Once your repository is complete, copy the repository main and text files to another directory and then move to that directory.
2. Use the UNLOAD option in the isload utility to unload all text strings from the repository text file into a sequential file. For instructions on using this utility, see isload.
3. Modify the text strings as desired.

Each record must remain 511 characters long, and you should never modify information in the first 41 bytes of the record.

4. Use the CLEAR option in isload to clear the repository text file.
5. Use the LOAD option in isload to reload the repository text file from your modified sequential file.
6. If you are using the standard filenames (rpsmain.ism and rpstext.ism), set RPSDAT to the current directory. Otherwise, set the RPSMFIL environment variable to the name of the repository main file, and set RPSTFIL to the name of the repository text file.
7. Run Repository and check all text entries (definition descriptions, user text strings, field headings, and script-related text strings).

Do not try to use a repository main file with more than one repository text file.