Appendix B: SQL Connection Troubleshooting Guide

This topic includes the following sections:


Troubleshooting flowchart

The flowchart below (figure 1) illustrates the general flow of troubleshooting steps for SQL Connection issues. The sections that follow provide details on the steps illustrated in the flowchart.

You won’t necessarily go through all the flowchart steps for every SQL Connection issue. You may discover the solution at any point in the process, and there can be situations where you’ll need to contact Synergy/DE Developer Support to resolve an issue (as the Ω characters in the flowchart indicate).

1. SQL Connection troubleshooting flowchart.

Step 1: Gather full information on the setup

When you encounter an SQL Connection issue, start the troubleshooting process by making sure you have a complete picture of your SQL Connection configuration. Gather all the information mentioned in the applicable setup diagram below (stand-alone or client/server), and note any other configuration details that could be relevant.

2. SQL Connection setup for stand-alone access.

3. SQL Connection setup for SQL OpenNet access.

Step 2: Get a complete picture of the problem

In addition to understanding the setup, you’ll need to bear in mind all details pertaining to the problem. Make sure you can answer the following questions, and be sure to gather any other information that could be relevant:

Step 3: Research the issue

Once you have all the pertinent details about your SQL Connection configuration and circumstances surrounding the issue, find all published information related to the issue:

Step 4: Logging and other steps to isolate the problem

Next, follow the steps outlined in the “Step 4” area of the troubleshooting flowchart (figure 1), starting with steps outlined in SQL Connection troubleshooting and error logging and referring to the following sections in this topic (as applicable) for more information:

Additionally, keep the following in mind:

Step Ω: Contacting Synergy/DE Developer Support

By the time you have arrived at an omega (Ω) character in the troubleshooting flowchart (figure 1), you’ve gathered all the relevant information, created a picture of the configuration, fully understood the problem, looked up error information, and generated any logs that could shed light on the issue. If you are still unable to solve the problem, it’s time to contact Synergy/DE Developer Support. See Contacting Synergy/DE Developer Support for more information.

Notes on connection problems

For database connection issues, do the following:

The following are some questions to consider. And note that may be necessary to involve network engineers or IT.

Notes on performance issues

For performance issues, follow the steps outlined in the troubleshooting flowchart (figure 1):

1. Examine the SQL query in use to make sure it’s optimized. See Optimizing your SQL code for more information.
2. Use performance tools on the target database to debug the performance issue. You can also use logging, though it is not usually too helpful with performance issues. The exceptions are SSQLLOG logging and Vortex API logging. You can use SSQLLOG logging to see what operations were performed and then take this information to your database administrator. And you can use Vortex API logging to find out how well cursor usage is optimized. For more information, see SQL Connection troubleshooting and error logging.