Store a text window’s contents in a window library

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall T_WNDWRT(channel, entry_name, window_id, control[, lines_written])


The channel of the window library. (n)


The identifier (name) of the text entry in the library (a maximum of 15 characters). (a)


The ID of the text window to process. (n)


One of the following processing controls on entry: D_CREATE to create a new entry and generate an error if it already exists or D_REPLACE to create a new entry and replace any existing entry. (n)


(optional) The number of lines written. (n)

T_WNDWRT stores the data within a text window as a text entry in a window library. This subroutine obtains data using one or more calls to T_GETLIN and writes that data out to the library by calling T_TXTWRT.

Upon exit, control is returned with a value of zero if the operation is completed successfully, or D_EXISTS if control was set to D_CREATE on entry and the text entry already exists. D_EXISTS is a negative number, therefore you can test for an error condition by checking whether control is less than zero.

This example takes the text from txtid, makes it into a text entry, and stores it as “menuhlp” in the window library opened on libchn.

ctrl = D_CREATE
xcall t_wndwrt(libchn, "menuhlp", txtid, ctrl, numlines)