Return information about a channel

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall U_CHNINF(channel, [filename], [mode][, class])


The channel about which to obtain information. (n)


(optional) Returned with the name of the file open on the channel. (a)


(optional) Returned with the I/O mode in which the file is open. (a)


(optional) Returned with the environment level that owns the channel if the channel is local or one of the following class values: (n)

0 = Channel is not in use (according to Toolkit).

–1 = Channel is global.

–2 = Channel is a Toolkit system channel.

U_CHNINF returns information about a channel. If channel is not in use, filename and mode will be returned blank.

In the following, U_CHNINF returns the name of the file open on the channel stored in chnl, the I/O mode for which the file is open, and the class of the channel (local, global, and so forth).

xcall u_chninf(chnl, filnam, iomode, class)

This example closes all global channels.

for chnl from 1 thru 32
    xcall u_chninf(chnl,,,class) 
    if (class.eq.-1)
      xcall u_close(chnl)