Save a window to a window library

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall U_SAVE(channel, window_id, window_name[, error])


The I/O channel to use. This channel must already be open in update mode. (n)


The ID of the window to be saved. (n)


The window name. (a)


(optional) Returns false (0) if the save was successful. If the save failed, this argument returns the error number of the resulting Synergy DBL error. (n)

U_SAVE saves a window to a window library.

If you save a window that already exists in the window library open on channel, the new window replaces the existing one.

The following example saves the window whose ID is stored in help_id to a sequential file or window library on the channel stored in help_chan. If the name stored in help_verb is already present, the existing window will be overwritten.

xcall u_save(help_chan, help_id, help_verb)