Define border renditions

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
.BORDER [border_on_off][, rendition, ...][, DRAGBAR[(ON|OFF)]]


(optional) Determines whether the window displays a border. Valid options are as follows:

ON = Window displays a border. (default)

OFF = Window does not display a border.

NOCELL = Window displays a border only if it does not require a full character cell for display. See Discussion.


(optional) One or more of the following display renditions:


Blinking (on Unix and OpenVMS) or italic (on Windows).


Not blinking (on Unix and OpenVMS) or not italic (on Windows). (default)


Highlighted (or boldfaced).


Not highlighted (or boldfaced). (default)


Assign specified palette#, where palette# is a palette number in the range 1 to 16. The default is 1.


Highlighted (or boldfaced).


Not highlighted (or boldfaced). (default)


Reverse video.


Normal video. (default)




Not underlined. (default)


(optional) Specifies whether the window will have a drag bar (ON, the default) or will not have a drag bar (OFF) in a Windows environment. This option has no effect on Unix and OpenVMS.

The .BORDER command defines the renditions of the border around the window. Renditions can be listed in any order.

On Windows, window borders may not take up an entire “cell” as they do in cell-based environments. Therefore, if you are depending on one window’s border to fully occlude a certain area of another window when your application runs on Unix or OpenVMS, you won’t be able to depend on this same occlusion when your application runs in a Windows environment.

In addition, none of the renditions available for borders have any effect in on Windows, and if you specify NOCELL, the window will have a border only if the application runs in a Windows environment. For windows created at runtime, you can pass the WB_NOCELL option to the W_BRDR subroutine instead.

An option for Windows environments is to specify DRAGBAR and the argument ON or OFF. DRAGBAR only affects the window when the border is turned on. If you don’t pass DRAGBAR and if the window is more than one row in height, the default is ON. If the window is one row in height, the default is OFF. If you specify DRAGBAR without specifying ON or OFF, DRAGBAR defaults to ON. For windows created at runtime, use the WB_DRAGON or WB_DRAGOFF options to the W_BRDR suboutine to create or remove drag bars.

This example displays a border in reverse video with color palette number 3.

.border on, reverse, color(3)

This Windows example displays a border around a window that the user will not be able to drag.

.border on, dragbar(off)