Perform input field arrive processing

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
 a_inpinfo              ,a
 a_inprec               ,a
 a_methoddata1          ,any
 a_methoddata20         ,any


The structure of input information. (a)


The data_area argument (or data_location argument for I_INPFLD on Windows) passed to the calling input routine. (a)

a_methoddata1 through a_methoddata20

(optional) Up to 20 additional data arguments. (any)

IARRIVE_METHOD is a subroutine you write and name when you want your program to perform extra actions before a specific input field is processed.

This subroutine is called by I_INPUT, I_INPFLD (Windows only), and L_INPUT when an arrive method is specified for the field about to be processed. You can specify an arrive method for the field by using the ARRIVE_METHOD qualifier in a .FIELD script command or the D_FLD_ARRIVE option in I_FLDMOD or IB_FIELD.

The a_inpinfo argument is defined in inpinf.def. It is defined as a group and must be included within a record or as an argument. You can define multiple copies of it within your method routine. For example:

record data1
.include "WND:inpinf.def"
record data2
.include "WND:inpinf.def"

You can also use .INCLUDE to define this group argument without having to move it into a local data area. For example:

subroutine my_arrive_method
.include "WND:inpinf.def"
a_inprec       ,a
a_methoddata1  ,any
a_methoddata20 ,any

Note the following:

For information on a_inpinfo group members, see the comments in inpinf.def. Additionally, note that the inp_navevent field lists the event that triggered navigation (arriving or leaving a field). It can have one of the following values (defined in tools.def):

A_inprec is the record passed to the data_area argument for I_INPUT and L_INPUT and, on Windows, the data_location argument for I_INPFLD. (On Unix and OpenVMS, this argument is not passed if I_INPFLD is the calling routine.)

A_methoddata1 through a_methoddata20 are up to 20 additional optional arguments that can be passed to I_INPUT, I_INPFLD, or L_INPUT. They are passed, in turn, directly to IARRIVE_METHOD. This enables you to communicate additional information to IARRIVE_METHOD.

.field custno, d6, user("h_popup=h_custno"), arrive_method("popup")

Given the above field definition, the following arrive method, popup, displays a popup-style window for the custno field.

subroutine popup
.include "WND:inpinf.def"               ;Input window information
        a_inprec          ,a            ;Input record
.include "WND:fldinf.def"
.include "WND:tools.def"
external common
        g_popupwnd      ,i4             ;ID of currently placed popup
        ndx             ,i4             ;instr index
        scrch           ,i4             ;Search
        err             ,i4             ;Error
        name            ,a30            ;Doubles as field name/window name
        user            ,a80            ;User text
.define D_POPID ,"hpopup="
      if (g_popupwnd)            ;Any currently placed window?
          xcall u_window(D_DELETE, g_popupwnd)     ;Delete it
          clear g_popupwnd                         ;Note none placed
                                                   ;Get field information
xcall i_fldinf(inp_wndid, name, inp_fldnum,, gs_inpfld)
      user = %i_getstring(inp_wndid, inp_usertext) ;Get user text

      if (ndx = %instr(1, user, D_POPID))          ;Any popup specified?
        name = user(ndx+^size(D_POPID),^size(user))             ;Load it
      if (ndx = %instr(1, name, ','))
        clear name(ndx,^size(name)                      ;Allow comma delimiter
      if (.not. name)                                   ;Just "hpopup="
      xcall u_ldwnd(g_popupwnd, g_utlib, name,, srch, err);Load the window
      if (err)
        xreturn                                         ;No such window
;Place the window one row below and one column beyond the field being processed.
      xcall u_window(D_PLACE, g_popupwnd,
  &                 %w_info(WIF_PLCROW, inp_wndid) + gs_frow,
  &                 %w_info(WIF_PLCCOL, inp_wndid) + gs_fcol + gs_dsplen)