Place text in a list header, footer, or title

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall L_SECT(list_id, [text][, text_flag, ...])



The ID of the list in which to place text. (n)


(optional) The text to display. (a)


(optional) One or more of the following text flags: (n)


Display text in the header section. (default)


Display text in the footer section.


Display text in the title.

D_POSITION, row, col

The row and column of the text’s position


Clear the entire line of text. (default)


Clear to the beginning of the line.


Clear to the end of the line.


Don’t clear the line of text.


Resize ActiveX list columns if the user hasn’t manually resized them. (default)


Don’t resize ActiveX list columns.


Resize ActiveX list columns even if the user has manually resized them.


Display text at the current position. (default)


Left-justify the text.


Center the text.


Right-justify the text.


Convert “¦” characters to vertical lines for ActiveX lists or vertical bar line-drawing characters on Unix or OpenVMS. (default)


Don’t convert “¦” characters to vertical lines for ActiveX lists or vertical bar line-drawing characters on Unix or OpenVMS.


L_SECT clears text from and/or places text into a list header, footer, or title. By default, text is displayed at the current position (D_DISPLAY), which is generally left-justified, unless a previous call to L_SECT has changed the current position.

L_SECT clears the entire affected row (D_CLEAR) by default unless you specify one of the other clearing flags (D_CLRBOL, D_CLREOL, D_NOCLEAR).

The D_POSITION flag positions the text by specifying the row and column on which the text should begin. Toolkit positions the text before it clears or justifies text, so justification nullifies a col setting. Additionally, if you pass D_POSITION, you must pass both row and col.

On Windows, the active theme determines the location of the title; D_TITLE, has no effect.

When using D_HEADER or D_FOOTER with an ActiveX Toolkit list, use vertical bars (|) to explicitly divide column headings or footers and to set the minimum column width. If you don’t use vertical bars (or if you pass D_NOVLINE), Toolkit will divide the text in ways that may not make sense. Don’t use D_CENTER or D_RIGHT, which aren’t designed to be used in this situation.

By default, ActiveX Toolkit list columns resize automatically when a column header or footer is changed, unless the user has manually resized a column. You can change this behavior by passing D_COLNORESIZE to prevent resizing or D_COLFORCESIZE to force resizing even when a user has resized a column.

On Unix and OpenVMS, only the D_LEFT, D_CENTER, and D_RIGHT flags have any effect for D_TITLE, and the text is centered by default.


The following clears the list header by specified by mylst and then centers the message within it.

xcall l_sect(mylst, "No available items", D_HEADER, D_CLEAR, D_CENTER)