Invalid record’s file address
One of the following occurred:
- You specified an invalid RFA on an I/O operation.
- The size of the alpha argument to the GETRFA or RFA qualifier was something other than 6 or 10.
- GETRFA:global_rfa was used on the FIND statement, on the READ, READS, and WRITE statements for file types other than ISAM and relative, or on the WRITES statement for file types other than relative.
- RFA:global_rfa was used on a FIND statement or on READ and WRITE statements for file types other than ISAM and relative.
- The GETRFA and RFA qualifiers on the same READ statement had variables of different sizes. If a READ statement has both a GETRFA and an RFA qualifier, the variables for must both be either 6 bytes (RFA size) or 10 bytes (global RFA size).