Make application window resizable

WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
WNSupported in Synergy .NET on Windows



The SYN_RESIZE_SCALE environment variable makes the application window resizable (in Synergy .NET) or scales all fonts in the application window (in traditional Synergy).


For Synergy .NET applications that use the Synergy windowing API or UI Toolkit, setting SYN_RESIZE_SCALE to 1 causes the application window to become resizable and maximizable. All fonts in the application will be scaled (maintaining their aspect ratio) by the same percentage based on the largest font that will fit in the visible application window when resized. (There is only one font in Synergy .NET. The default for the Synergy windowing API is Consolas.)

For traditional Synergy applications, setting SYN_RESIZE_SCALE to 1 scales all fonts in the application window as described above.

For best results when scaling, we recommend using only TrueType or OpenType fonts. Note that message boxes, menu bars and toolbars (traditional Synergy only), buttons, ActiveX controls, and Windows common controls (e.g., Choose Color dialog, Choose Font dialog, Select Palette dialog, Open File dialog, Print Preview, etc.) will not scale.

The environment or the [synergy], [dbr], or [myprog] section of synergy.ini (where myprog is any .dbr file).

UI Toolkit, Synergy windowing API

In the synergy.ini file,
