Return the size of the last record read
WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
WNSupported in Synergy .NET on Windows
USupported on UNIX
VSupported on OpenVMS
size = %RSIZE[(channel)]
Return value
The size of the last record that was read. (i)
(optional) The channel for which to retrieve the numeric value of the terminating character of the last record that was read. (i)
%RSIZE returns the size of the data from the last READ, READS, ACCEPT, GET, or GETS operation, or the last window I/O function. %RSIZE is equivalent to %RDLEN.
If the optional channel number is specified, the value returned is for the last operation on that channel.
%RSIZE can be especially useful with the READS statement, because the length of the record that was read can vary. For example, you might use %RSIZE to determine the number of characters read from the terminal to limit the processing of an input record.
In Synergy .NET, you cannot use %RSIZE in multi-threaded scenarios where a channel number has not been specified.
repeat begin display(ttchn, "Enter next command: ") reads(ttchn, input, done) if (%rsize.eq.0) then writes(ttchn, "Null input ignored") else buf(1,5) = %rsize ,"ZZZX" end
The following subroutine reads a specified minimum amount of terminal input. If the input is too short, the prompt and input are cleared from the screen, and input is requested until the minimum length is entered.
subroutine input a_minsiz ,n a_data ,a a_prompt ,a proc get_inp, display(TTCHN, a_prompt, ": ") reads(TTCHN, a_data, done) if (%rsize .lt. a_minsiz) begin writes(TTCHN, "Data too short") display(TTCHN, $scr_pos(-1,-80), $scr_clr(LINE), & $scr_pos(-1,-80), $scr_clr(LINE)) call get_inp end done, xreturn endsubroutine