Routines for ActiveX controls in Toolkit containers

In addition to the ActiveX API routines documented in Synergy ActiveX API, you can use the routines below to load and use ActiveX controls with Toolkit containers. See Options for ActiveX for information about the different ways to create Toolkit containers and load ActiveX control.


You do not need to link against axlib.elb to use these routines. UI Toolkit automatically links to this library when you use these AX_ routines.

AX_INPUT - Perform input to an ActiveX control

AX_REGISTER - Register an ActiveX control

AX_TIMEOUT - Set the time-out value for an ActiveX control

%AX_TKCALL - Call a method for an ActiveX control

%AX_TKCID - Get the ID for an ActiveX container

%AX_TKCTLID - Get an ActiveX control ID

AX_TKGET - Get a property for an ActiveX control

%AX_TKGETINT - Get an ActiveX control property as an integer

AX_TKSET - Set a property for an ActiveX control

%AX_TKSINGLE - Create a Toolkit container and load a single ActiveX control

%AX_TKWIN - Create a Toolkit container window

AX_WANTSKEY - Register keys to an ActiveX control