The list subroutines and functions
The following subroutines and functions enable you to create, process, and maintain lists. For general information on these tasks, see Defining lists and Processing and maintaining lists. For specific on defining list behavior, see Defining behavior for lists.
L_BORDER - Add or remove the border and drag bar on a list
L_BUTTON - Add, delete, or modify a button on a list
L_BUTTONSET - Define the placement of a set of buttons on a list
%L_BUTTONSTATE - Enable or disable a button on a list
L_CHR - Perform single-keystroke input to a list
L_CLASS - Create a list class at runtime
%L_CLASSINFO - Return information about a list class
L_CTRCONTEXT - Establish focus within a child list window
L_DATA - Manipulate the data in a list
L_FINDSPEC - Specify parameters for a find operation
%L_FINDWND - Construct a find window for L_SELECT
L_GLOBAL - Promote a list to global status
L_INPFLD - Perform single-field input within a list
L_INPUT - Perform input to a set within a list
L_METHOD - Register a list method
L_NEXT - Set selected item by number
L_QUEUE - Queue commands for a list
L_RETURNKEY - Set the return state of privatized keys
L_SECT - Place text in a list header, footer, or title
L_SECTDRAW - Draw a line in a list header or footer
L_SELECT - Do list selection processing
%L_SELSTYLE - Retrieve/change the selection style for a list
L_STATE - Modify a list’s state
L_STATUS - Retrieve the status of a list