Sample debugging session

We’ve used a Synergy program called badship.dbl in our sample debugging session. Badship.dbl creates a report of bad shipments with the specified starting and ending dates. The user can also specify the customer’s ID number and the output device that should be used to report the results.

We know that the badship.dbl program has three problems:

First, we’ll compile, link, and run the program with the debug option. (Note that these commands do not apply to OpenVMS systems. See Building and Running Synergy Applications for the correct compile, link, and run commands for OpenVMS.)

$ dbl -d badship
$ dblink -d badship
$ dbr -d badship
*** DEBUG 8.3.1 ***
Break at 121 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
  *121:         xcall flags(7004020, 1)

Now that we’re in the debugger, we’ll use the HELP command to list all available debugger commands.

DBG> help
 Help is available on:
   BREAK    - Set a program breakpoint
   CANCEL   - Cancel program breakpoints and watchpoints
   DEPOSIT  - Modify variables  
   DELETE   - Delete program breakpoints
   EXAMINE  - Examine variables
   GO       - Continue program execution
   LIST     - List source lines
   OPENELB  - Open the specified ELB or shared image
   SAVE     - Save the current debugger context
   SCREEN   - Do screen manipulation
   SEARCH   - Search source
   SET      - Set debug options
   SHOW     - Display debug options and program state information
   STEP     - Step to the next Synergy DBL instruction
   TRACE    - Display current traceback
   VIEW     - View Synergy DBL source around the debug entry
   WATCH    - Set a watchpoint
   WINDBG   - Invoke the Toolkit window debugger
   Cmd_Inp  - Command recall and editing
   @        - Process an indirect command file
   !        - Execute a shell command

We’ll view the source lines that surround the debug entry and then set the default mode for the STEP command, set the debugger to break whenever the program traps an error, and examine all debugger parameters.

DBG> view
   117:                    ,a2
   118:          rep       ,a5
   120: proc
   121>     xcall flags(7004020, 1)
   122:     open(TT_CH, i, "tt:")
   123:     display(TT_CH, $scr_clr(SCREEN), "Create bad shiplist.",10,13)
   124:     do
   125:       begin
DBG> set step into
DBG> set trap on
DBG> show
The debugger wasn't entered in an error state.
No breakpoints are set.
Default step mode is "INTO" 
%DBR-I-ATLINE, at line 120 in routine MAIN$BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
A trapped DBL error will cause a break.
DBL stack size 4096 bytes; now using 32; maximum used 0.
No DBL channels opened.

DBGSRC not set

Now we’ll list 140 lines beginning at line 120 so we can determine possible problem spots. 

DBG> list 120 140
   120: proc
   121>   xcall flags(7004020, 1)
   122:    open(TT_CH, i, "tt:")
   123:    display(TT_CH, $scr_clr(SCREEN),"Create bad ship list.",10,13)
   124:    do  
   125:      begin
   126:        display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(2,0),"For a specific customer? ")
   127:        reads(TT_CH, ans)
   128:      end
   129:    until ((ans.eq."y").or.(ans.eq."n"))
   130:      if ((ans.eq."Y").or.(ans.eq."y"))
   131:        begin
   132:          display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(3,0),"Enter Customer ID: ") 
   133:          reads(TT_CH, cust_id)
   134:          cmp_id(1,4) = cust_id
   135:          do
   136:            begin
   137:             display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(4,0),"Want a total history?")
   138:              reads(TT_CH, history)
   139:            end
   140:          until ((history.eq."y").or.(history.eq."n"))
   141:        end
   142:      if ((history.eq."Y").or.(history.eq."y")) then
   143:        begin
   144:          predate = 19760101
   145:          postdate = 30000000
   146:        end
   147:      else
   148:        begin 
   149:          do
   150:            begin
   151: first,       display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(5,0), "Start: (MM/DD/YYYY)")
   152:              reads(TT_CH, entdate) 
   153:            end
   154:          until (%rsize.eq.10)
   155:          dday=entday
   156:          dmon=entmonth
   157:          dyr=dyr    
   158:          predate=date
   159:          do
   160:            begin
   161:              display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(6,0), "End: (MM/DD/YYYY)")
   162:              reads(TT_CH, entdate)
   163:            end
   164:          until (%rsize.eq.10)
   165:          dday=entday
   166:          dmon=entmonth
   167:          dyr=entyear
   168:          postdate=date
   169:        end
   171:    do
   172:      begin
   173:        display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(7,0), 
   174:   &            "Print the report to the (S)creen or (F)ile? ")
   175:        reads(TT_CH, out_flg)
   176:      end
   177:    until ((out_flg.eq."s").or.(out_flg.eq."f"))
   178:    if ((out_flg.eq."F").or.(out_flg.eq."f")) 
   179:      begin
   180:        do
   181:          begin
   182:            display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(8,0),
   183:   &                "Should output be sent to the printer? (Y/N)")
   184:            reads(TT_CH, printer_flg)
   185:          end
   186:        until ((printer_flg.eq."y").or.(printer_flg.eq."n"))
   187:      end
   188:    if (printer_flg.eq."n")
   189:      begin    
   190:        display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(9,0), 
   191:   &            "Output will be placed in file: ", BADFILE,10,13)
   192:      end
   193:    display(TT_CH, "Press Enter to continue or ^D to exit",10,13)
   194:    reads(TT_CH, incode) [eof=exit]
   195:    if (incode.eq.' ')
   196:      incode = "BAD"
   197:    open(CLNT_CH, i:i, "sclnt")
   198:    open(FACT_CH, i:i, "sfact")
   199:    open(FOLD_CH, i:i, "sfhdr")
   200:    open(OUT_CH, o, BADFILE)
   201:    if ((out_flg.eq."S").or.(out_flg.eq."s")) then
   202:      begin
   203:        date=predate
   204:        display(TT_CH, "BAD Ship list for ",dmon,"/",dday," ",dyr)
   205:        date=postdate
   206:        display(TT_CH, " - ",dmon,"/",dday,"/",dyr)
   207:        forms(TT_CH, 2) 
   208:      end
   209:    else
   210:      begin
   211:        date=predate
   212:        display(OUT_CH,"BAD Ship list for ",dmon,"/",dday,"/",dyr)
   213:        date=postdate
   214:        display(OUT_CH, " - ",dmon,"/",dday,"/",dyr)  
   215:        forms(OUT_CH, 2)
   216:      end
   217:    isam_pre=predate
   218:    read(FACT_CH, cmfact, isam_pre, KRF=2) [err=next]
   219: next, while ( .and. (cadate.le.postdate) do
   220:      begin
   221:        if ((caactc.eq.incode(1,%trim(incode))).and.(ans.eq."n"))
   222:          begin
   223:            chcomp = cacomp
   224:            chclnt = caclnt
   225:            chfldr = cafldr   
   226:            read(FOLD_CH, cmfhdr, chkey) [err=skip]
   227:            if ("WISH" .and. chclos.eq.0)
   228:              call dumpit
   229:          end    
   230:        if ((caactc.eq.incode(1,%trim(incode))).and.
   231:   &        (ans.eq."y").and.(cmp_id.eq.caclnt))
   232:          begin
   233:            chcomp = cacomp
   234:            chclnt = caclnt
   235:            chfldr = cafldr
   236:            read(FOLD_CH, cmfhdr, chkey) [err=skip]
   237:            if ("WISH" .and. chclos.eq.0)   ;Is it open?
   238:              call dumpit
   239:          end
   240: skip,
   241:        reads(FACT_CH, cmfact) [eof=done]
   242:      end
   243: done, if (.not.find_flg)
   244:      begin
   245:        if (out_flg.eq."S") then
   246:          writes(TT_CH, "No bad records were located in query.")
   247:        else
   248:          writes(OUT_CH, "No bad records were located in query.")
   249:      end
   250:    close CLNT_CH
   251:    close FACT_CH
   252:    close TT_CH
   253:    close OUT_CH
   254:    if ((printer_flg.eq."Y").or.(printer_flg.eq."y"))
   255:      begin
   256:        lpque(BADFILE, LPNUM:"conan")
   257:        xcall delet(OUT_CH, BADFILE)
   258:      end
   259: exit, stop

From the listing, we can see that cmp_id in line 134 is loaded with cust_id. Since cmp_id is used for the search, we’ll want to see if it is loaded correctly in line 134. The second problem in the program involves the starting date. From the listing, we can see that predate is loaded at line 158. The third problem involves the “No bad records…” message, which is located around line 243.

DBG> trace

%DBR-I-ATLINE, at line 120 in routine MAIN$BADSHIP (badship.dbl)

We’ll use the HELP command to see what our BREAK options are.

DBG> help break
  Set program breakpoints:
    BREAK rtn    - Set a break at the entry to routine <rtn>
    BREAK ln     - Set a break at line <ln> in the current routine
    BREAK rtn ln - Set a break at line <ln> in routine <rtn>
    BREAK lbl [/LABEL] 
                 - Set a break at <lbl> in the current routine
    BREAK .      - Set a break at the current line and routine
Multiple breaks may be specified, separated by commas, with the "current routine" the last <rtn> encountered.
DBG> break 132
DBG> show breaks
DBG> go
Generate bad shipment list.
Generate for a specific customer? y
Break at 132 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   132>         display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(3,0), "Enter Customer ID: ")
DBG> step
Enter Customer ID: Step to 133 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   133>         reads(TT_CH, cust_id)
DBG> step over
Step to 134 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   134>         cmp_id(1,4) = cust_id
DBG> examine cust_id
DBG> examine cmp_id
DBG> step
Step to 3 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
  137>             display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(4,0),"Want a total history?")
DBG> examine cmp_id

Here we learn that cmp_id isn’t loaded correctly: cmp_id(1,4)=cust_id should be changed to cmp_id(3,6)=cust_id.

Now we’ll jump to the next possible problem area.

DBG> go 150
Want a total history? n
Break at 151 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   151> first,     display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(5,0), "Start:  (MM/DD/YYYY) ")

We’ll do a TRACE command to see where the last command was executed.

DBG> trace
%DBR-I-ATLINE, at line 147 in routine MAIN$BADSHIP
DBG> step
Start:  (MM/DD/YYYY) Step to 152 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   152>          reads(TT_CH, entdate)
DBG> step 5  
step to 154 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   154>      until (%rsize.eq.10)
DBG> view
   150:         begin
   151: first,    display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(5,0), "Start:  (MM/DD/YYYY) ")
   152:           reads(TT_CH, entdate)
   153:         end
   154>       until (%rsize.eq.10)
   155:       dday=entday
   156:       dmon=entmonth
   157:       dyr=dyr
   158:       predate=date
DBG> step
Step to 155 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   155>               dday=entday
DBG> step
Step to 156 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   156>               dmon=entmonth
DBG> examine dday
DBG> step
Step to 157 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   157>               dyr=dyr
DBG> examine dmon
DBG> step
Step to 158 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   158>               predate=date
DBG> examine dyr

Dyr should have contained 1986, not a blank. Instead of dyr=dyr, line 157 should be dyr=entyear.

DBG> step
Step to 161 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   161>              display(TT_CH, $scr_pos(6,0), "End:  (MM/DD/YYYY) ")
DBG> examine predate

This predate value of 522 verifies the above problem. Predate should have contained 19860522.

DBG> go 244
End:  (MM/DD/YYYY) 01/01/1992
Print the report to the (S)creen or (F)ile? s
Press Enter to continue or ^D to exit
BAD Ship list for 5/22/      - 01/01/1992
DBL error trapped at 218 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl), jumping to line 219
   218>      read(FACT_CH, cmfact, isam_pre, KRF=2)         [err=next]

The error we expected was trapped.

DBG> go 244
DBL error trapped at 241 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl), jumping to line 243

Again, the expected error was trapped.

   241>             reads(FACT_CH, cmfact) [eof=done]
DBG> go 244
break at 245 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
  *245:             if (out_flg.eq."S") then
DBG> view
   241:        reads(FACT_CH, cmfact) [eof=done]
   242:      end
   243: done, if (.not.find_flg)
   244:      begin
   245:        if (out_flg.eq."S") then
   246:          writes(TT_CH, "No bad records were located in query.")
   247:        else
   248:          writes(OUT_CH, "No bad records were located in query.")
   249:      end
DBG> examine out_flg

The IF statement checks for uppercase “S” above, but because out_flg is lowercase “s,” it never allows output to be sent to the console. To check this theory, we’ll put uppercase “S” into out_flg.

DBG> deposit out_flg = 'S'
DBG> examine out_flg
DBG> step
Step to 246 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   246>          writes(TT_CH "No bad records were located in query.")

This fixed the problem, which means that the IF statement in line 245 should be changed to check for a lowercase “s.”

DBG> step
No bad records were located in query.
Step to 250 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   250>         close CLNT_CH
DBG> st

Notice that you can abbreviate the STEP command.

Step to 251 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   251>         close FACT_CH
DBG> s
Step to 252 in BADSHIP (badship.dbl)
   252>         close TT_CH
DBG> go
%DBR-I-ATLINE, at line 259 in routine BADSHIP (badship.dbl)