Getting Help for Synergy Development in Visual Studio

For help with Visual Studio, see Microsoft documentation. Microsoft documentation for Visual Studio generally applies to Synergy development in Visual Studio.

For help with Synergy development in Visual Studio, including help with Synergy DBL Integration for Visual Studio (SDI), which is the Synergy product that makes Synergy development in Visual Studio possible, see the following. For information on accessing Synergy/DE documentation from within Visual Studio, see Getting Help for Synergy Development in Visual Studio below.

See... For...
SDI Basics Links to topics with basic information on using Visual Studio to develop Synergy applications and libraries. These topics generally apply to traditional Synergy and Synergy .NET.
Using Visual Studio for Traditional Synergy Links to topics with information on using Visual Studio to develop traditional Synergy applications and libraries
Synergy .NET Development Links to topics with information on developing Synergy .NET applications and libraries Information on system requirements for SDI
REL_SDI.TXT Release notes — i.e., Information on the latest new features and fixes. REL_SDI.TXT is included in the SDI distribution. Videos that show what you can do with Synergy in Visual Studio

Accessing Synergy/DE documentation from Visual Studio

You can launch Synergy/DE documentation from Visual Studio by selecting Tools > Synergy/DE Documentation > Online or Local from the Visual Studio menu. The Online entry launches the Synergy/DE documentation at The Local entry launches locally-installed Synergy/DE documentation.

You can open a Synergy/DE documentation topic for a specific feature or error by doing one of the following in Visual Studio: