Testing xfNetLink .NET

The xfTestnet.exe program, distributed with xfNetLink .NET, can help you determine if your system is set up and working properly. The xfTestnet files are installed in the xfNLNet\Examples directory. xfTestnet requires that the .NET Framework and xfNetLink .NET be installed on the machine running the test.

xfTestnet runs several tests, which send different types of data back and forth between the client and the Synergy server. This program makes calls to a test ELB or shared image named xfpl_tst, which is distributed with xfServerPlus. There are entries in the SMC for use by the test program. (These are the methods in the xfTest interface in the distributed SMC.) If the ELB or any of the methods are missing, the tests will fail.


If the methods in the xfTest interface are not present in your SMC, you can import them from the defaultsmc.xml file. See Importing and exporting methods.

To run the xfNetLink .NET test program

1. Make sure xfServerPlus has been started on the server machine.
2. Make sure the .NET Framework and xfNetLink .NET have been installed on the client machine.
3. The default configuration settings (host = localhost and port = 2356) will be used unless you edit the application configuration file for the test program. If you need to change these settings, do the following: 
4. Run xfTestnet.exe from the xfNLNet\Examples directory.
5. If you don’t want to use a shared connection, clear the check box. A shared connection will run faster.
6. Click the Run Tests button.

If the tests run successfully, you’ll see a success message. If any tests are unsuccessful, an error message will display on the screen. The error message text should help you determine what needs to be done to correct the problem. Refer to the Handling xfNetLink .NET exceptions table. If you did not turn on client-side logging, you may want to do so and run the test again. Then, if you cannot solve the problem, save the log file and contact Synergy/DE Developer Support.