Setting up your environment for development
Before you start creating your Java application, check the list below to ensure your environment is set up properly. If you are working on the same machine as was used to create the JAR file, some of these steps are already done. If not, you’ll need to copy files to your Java development machine.
Install xfNetLink Java. |
Set the classpath to point to the xfNLJava directory and to the xfnljav.jar, xercesImpl.jar, and xml-apis.jar files. See Setting the classpath. |
Copy your JAR file to the correct location for your application. If you’re creating a web application, put it in the location required by your web server. This will vary depending on which web server software and servlet container you are using. For other Java applications, put it in a location where Java can find it, and set the classpath if necessary. |
If you created Javadoc, copy the Javadoc HTML files to the development machine. The HTML files can go in any convenient location—just be sure to maintain the directory structure to preserve the links from the index to the individual files. You will need the index.html file and at least one of the allclasses*.html files, which are located in the package directory. Then you’ll need the HTML files in the subdirectory created within that package directory. In this subdirectory, there will be an HTML file for each class in the JAR file. |
Configure the xfNetLink Java properties file (if your application will use one). For a web application, put the properties file in the location required by your web server. This will vary depending on which web server software and servlet container you are using. For other Java applications, put it in the same directory as the Java application. See Configuring the xfNetLink Java properties file. |
If your application will use Java connection pooling, configure the pooling properties file and then place it in the location required by your application. See Setting up a pooling properties file for more information. |