WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
One or more FONT initialization settings define an application’s initial font palette. Each FONT setting defines a font palette entry.
FONT is specified as follows:
where the arguments are defined as follows:
The name of the font palette entry.
The name of the Windows typeface.
The size of the Windows font.
(optional) The sizing character.
Font palette entry names may be referenced within Repository, UI Toolkit window scripts, Composer, and at runtime.
Palette_name is a name of up to 60 characters (a-z, 0-9, _, and $), which begins with a letter, and is case insensitive. Palette_name should be unique within the [fonts] section of synergy.ini. If there is a non-unique palette_name, the last palette_name defined takes precedence.
Face_name indicates the font’s typeface and is case sensitive. For example, Arial is the name of a typeface.
Point_size is the numeric point size of the font. Strictly defined, a point is 1/72 of an inch in terms of height.
Sizing_char is a single character used to determine the cell size within an object for the purposes of positioning. For example, specifying a sizing character of “W” causes an object to be significantly wider than with a sizing character of “i”. Sizing_char is case sensitive. The default sizing character is a capital “A”.
Four palette entry names are reserved: DEFAULT, ALTERNATE, DEBUGGER, and STATUS. Use the first three to specify the global, alternate, and debugger font characteristics, respectively. These are used if FONT_GLOBAL, FONT_ALTERNATE, or FONT_DEBUG is undefined. (DEFAULT is used to define the debugger font if the debugger font is not otherwise specified.) Use STATUS to specify the font for the application window’s header, footer, and information line. It is used if FONT_HEADER, FONT_FOOTER, or FONT_INFO is undefined.
The FONT initialization settings enable you to define multiple fonts. However, specifying a large number of different fonts uses additional memory, which may increase the program’s start-up time.
Setting location
The [fonts] section of synergy.ini.
Used by
See also
Using fonts on Windows for general font information and details on the hierarchy used to determine the global, alternate, and debugger fonts
In the synergy.ini file,
[fonts] Default=Fixedsys;9;A Alternate=MS Sans Serif;10;W my_input_font=Times New Roman;12