option #16

Quit character



USupported on UNIX
VSupported on OpenVMS

System option #16 maps the quit character to the interrupt character. (If this option is not set, the quit character quits out of the program.)

The quit characters and interrupt characters supported by Synergy DBL are listed in Appendix C: Terminal Keys with Special Functions.

On UNIX, if system option #16 is set, when possible, we trap the suspend signal (TSTP) and perform the same action as when we trap interrupt.

On OpenVMS, If option #16 is set, both Ctrl+Y and CTRL+C will cancel program execution (though Ctrl+Y will still say “Interrupt” on the screen). If option 16 isn’t set, Ctrl+Y will interrupt program execution, while Ctrl+C will cancel it. You can restart the program at the point of interruption by issuing a DCL CONTINUE command if system option #16 is not set.

Option #16 is automatically set if option #35 is set.