WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
WNSupported in Synergy .NET on Windows
USupported on UNIX
VSupported on OpenVMS
namespace Json public class Utf8JsonWriter
The Utf8JsonWriter class provides an API to write UTF-8 encoded JSON text sequentially with no caching. The methods below that end with “Value” are intended to be used when writing an array element. If you’re writing members of a JSON object, you should use the name/value pair forms instead.
public CreateUtf8JsonWriter(targetStream), @Utf8JsonWriter
Creates a Utf8JsonWriter, passing in a StringBuilder object that will act as a buffer for the requested JSON data.
public Flush(), void
Ensures all written data has been encoded into the StringBuilder buffer that was passed in during construction, making it visible to the output destination.
public Reset(), void
Resets the internal state of this instance but does not clear the StringBuilder buffer that was passed in during construction.
public WriteBase64String(name, data), void
Writes a name/value pair where the value is a string that needs to be Base64 encoded.
public WriteBase64StringValue(data), void
Writes a string value as a Base64-encoded JSON string as an element of a JSON array.
public WriteBoolean(name, data), void
Writes a name/value pair where the value is a JSON literal true or false.
public WriteBooleanValue(data), void
Writes a Boolean value as a JSON literal true or false as an element of a JSON array.
public WriteEndArray(), void
Closes an open array. Use with WriteStartArray.
public WriteEndObject(), void
Closes an open object. Use with WriteStartObject,
public WriteNull(name), void
Writes a name/value pair where the value is null.
public WriteNullValue(), voidl
Writes a null value as an element of a JSON array.
public WriteNumber(name, data), void
Writes a name/value pair where the value is a number (integer, decimal, or implied-decimal).
public WriteNumberValue(data), void
Writes a number (integer, decimal, or implied-decimal) as an element of a JSON array.
public WriteStartArray(), void
Writes an unnamed beginning of a JSON array.
public WriteStartArray(name), void
Writes the beginning of a JSON array at a member location specified by name. If you provide a name, it creates a key/value pair of the specified name and the array.
Either form of WriteStartArray must be paired with WriteEndArray.
public WriteStartObject(), void
Writes an unnamed beginning of a JSON object.
public WriteStartObject(name), void
Writes the beginning of aJSON object at a member location specified by name. If you provide a name, it creates a key/value pair of the specified name and the object.
Either form of WriteStartObject must be paired with WriteEndObject.
public WriteString(name, data), void
Writes a name/value pair of a JSON object where both the name and value are strings.
public WriteStringValue(data), void
Writes a string value as an element of a JSON array
Sample JSON:
{ [ { “name”: “fred”, “height”:182, “active”: true, “properties”: [null, 10] } ] }
This would make that sample
data jsonBuffer = new StringBuilder() data jsonWriter = Utf8JsonWriter.CreateUtf8JsonWriter(jsonBuffer) jsonWriter.WriteStartObject() jsonWriter.WriteStartArray() jsonWriter.WriteStartObject() jsonWriter.WriteString(“name”, “fred”) jsonWriter.WriteNumber(“height”, 182) jsonWriter.WriteBoolean(“active”, true) jsonWriter.WriteStartArray(“properties”) jsonWriter.WriteNullValue() jsonWriter.WriteNumberValue(10) jsonWriter.WriteEndArray() jsonWriter.WriteEndObject() jsonWriter.WriteEndArray() jsonWriter.WriteEndObject() jsonWriter.Flush()
Also see Json.JsonDocument for another example.