Import a namespace or static class
WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
WNSupported in Synergy .NET on Windows
USupported on UNIX
VSupported on OpenVMS
IMPORT namespace
IMPORT STATIC type (.NET only)
A namespace or nested namespace to import.
A fully qualified type name (the full namespace name along with the type name) for the class type whose static members you want to reference without specifying a type name.
An IMPORT statement imports a namespace or class so you don’t have to repeatedly enter a qualified member name or type name, which helps to avoid verbose code.
The first syntax above imports a specified namespace from a prototype file or from another .dbl source file into the current .dbl source file, enabling you to use members of that namespace without having to type the fully qualified member name. A namespace defined in a file is available only to that file unless it is explicitly imported into other files in the compilation unit with IMPORT or, in traditional Synergy, implicitly imported with SYNDEFNS. A namespace imported with IMPORT applies only to the file into which it is imported. If namespace is a nested namespace (for example, MyNamespace.Subnamespace), only the nested namespace is imported (and not the parent namespace). Conversely, a nested namespace is not imported automatically when its parent namespace is imported. Each nested namespace requires its own IMPORT statement.
The second syntax above provides a static import in Synergy .NET, which enables you to use static members of a class (and nested types) in your code without specifying the type name each time.
An IMPORT statement should go at the beginning of the source file, before any other declarations. It cannot occur inside of a namespace declaration.
An implicit main—that is, a PROC statement or a data division construct such as RECORD without the MAIN keyword—cannot immediately follow an IMPORT statement (although it can occur elsewhere in the program or source file). If a main routine immediately follows an IMPORT statement, it must have the keyword MAIN. |
See also
The statement below imports members of the Namespace1 namespace to the current file.
import Namespace1
The following example uses static imports.
import static ns1.class1 import static ns1.class1.class2 import static ns1.class4 main proc console.writeline(MYVAL) ; static field console.writeline(smeth1()) ; static method console.writeline(sprop) ; static property sprop = 9 data cvar, @ns1.class1 console.writeline(cvar.emeth()) ; extension method console.writeline(class2.MYVAL2) console.writeline(class2.smeth2()) console.writeline(MYVAL2) console.writeline(smeth2()) end
The file that contains the definitions referenced above looks like this:
namespace ns1 class class1 public fld1, int, 8 public const MYVAL, int, 8 public static method smeth1, int proc mreturn 88 endmethod public static readwrite property sprop, int, 888 public class class2 public const MYVAL2, int, 9 public static method smeth2, int proc mreturn 99 endmethod endclass endclass class class3 public const MYVAL, int, 7 public static method smeth1, int proc mreturn 77 endmethod endclass public static abstract class class4 public static extension method emeth, int parm1, @ns1.class1 proc mreturn 8888 endmethod endclass endnamespace