Specify characters for input termination
WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
WNSupported in Synergy .NET on Windows
USupported on UNIX
VSupported on OpenVMS
xcall I_ACTIVATE([activation,] character[, ...])
(optional) One or both of the following options: (n)
Activate specified character(s). (default)
Deactivate specified character(s).
One or more numeric values, separated by commas, that represent ASCII character(s). Valid values are 0 through 255. (n)
I_ACTIVATE enables you to activate a character or set of characters. This instructs Toolkit to treat the characters as Enter. You can also deactivate characters, which instructs Toolkit not to treat them as Enter. You can include both D_ACTIVATE and D_DEACTIVATE in the same I_ACTIVATE call. (See Examples below.)
I_ACTIVATE calls the ACCHR or DACHR Synergy DBL subroutine for each specified character. On subsequent field input, characters activated by this subroutine will behave like the Enter key and terminate input for the field. Deactivated characters are returned to their normal state. They are accepted as printable characters unless they’re entered as part of a shortcut. The activation state of a character remains constant until it’s changed by another call to I_ACTIVATE; it is not affected by entering or exiting an environment.
%RDTRM (and %RTERM) returns the numeric value for an activated character if tested on a field break or within ECHKFLD_METHOD. |
The following I_ACTIVATE call instructs UI Toolkit to treat the period key as Enter.
xcall i_activate(%decml('.'))
The following example deactivates the period and hyphen keys. This returns these characters to their normal state as input characters. In addition, this example activates the Tab key. After this call, Tab will terminate a field as if the user pressed Enter, and %RDTRM (or %RTERM) will return 9.
xcall i_activate(D_DEACTIVATE, %decml('.'), %decml('-'), D_ACTIVATE, 9)