Application page of Visual Studio project properties (Synergy .NET)

Use the Application page of project properties in Visual Studio to configure application settings for a project.

To access this page, select a project node in Solution Explorer, select Project > Properties from the Visual Studio menu, and then select the Application tab.


The settings that appear on this page are determined by the project type.

General Application Settings

Assembly name

Specifies the name of the assembly to be created. The default name is the project name, and the default extension is determined by the output type. If the build results in an executable assembly, the default extension is .exe. If it results in a class library, the default is .dll.

Default namespace

Specifies the namespace that will be used by default when you add new items to the project.

Target framework

Specifies the target .NET version for the assembly. The .NET versions installed on your system determine which versions are available for this setting. By default, this is set to the version selected when the project was created.

There are two types of .NET targets you can set with this option: Windows-specific versions and cross-platform versions.

Output type

Specifies application type: Windows Application, Console Application, or Class Library. The default depends on the project type.

Startup object

Specifies the entry point for the application. This can be a main routine specified with the Synergy MAIN statement, or it can be a class. If it is a class, the class must contain a method called “main” with the following signature (otherwise, a MISMAIN error will be reported):

public static method main, void 
    arg, [#]string 
proc .... 

A MULTMAIN error will be reported if both a main method and a main routine (specified by a Synergy MAIN statement) exist.

Working directory

Specifies the working directory for compiler commands. By default, this is the object folder (obj) folder for the project. You can use an environment variable in this field (e.g., SRC:) if the environment variable is defined on the Common Properties page or the Environment Variables page of project properties.

Note that if your code files have .INCLUDE statements that don’t specify a path, you’ll need to set the “Working directory” option to the directory with the included files. For example, if you have the statement “.INCLUDE fred.def”, you’ll need to set the “Working directory” option to the directory with fred.def.

Assembly Information

Displays the Assembly Information dialog box, which enables you to set global assembly attributes, which are stored in the AssemblyInfo file for the project.


Icon and manifest

This option enables you to specify an icon and manifest for the project. Use this option unless the project will have a resource file.


Specifies the icon (.ico) file that will be used for the application.


Selects the manifest generation setting used when the application runs under User Account Control (UAC):

Embed manifest with default settings Embeds security information in the application’s executable file, and sets requestedExecutionLevel to AsInvoker.
Create application without a manifest Select this option, known as virtualization, if you use ClickOnce to deploy (and “Icon and manifest” is selected).
Properties \ app.manifest To specify your own manifest file, enter the path and filename in the Manifest field.

Resource file

To provide a Win32 resource file for the project, select this option and then specify the resource file (which can include an icon).