Runtime Settings page of Visual Studio project properties (Synergy .NET)
Use the Runtime Settings page of project properties in Visual Studio to specify a Synergy license server machine (for deployment to Windows systems that are not configured for Synergy licensing) and to specify environment variables used at runtime on Windows systems. Settings on this page are written to the App.Config for the Synergy .NET project. (App.Config files are renamed to ApplicationName.exe.config when the project is built.)
To access this page, select a project node in Solution Explorer, select Project > Properties from the Visual Studio menu, and then select the Runtime Settings tab.
Synergy License Server
Use this to specify a Synergy license server machine for the application if the application will be deployed on Windows systems and use traditional Synergy licensing. This setting is not used for Synergy device licensing. It is used for traditional Synergy licensing only when the machine that you are deploying to is not configured for Synergy licensing. See ClickOnce Deployment for Synergy .NET.
For Synergy licensing that includes a backup license server, use the DNS name to specify the license server. Otherwise, you can specify the license server using an IP address or the DNS name. Depending on how your DNS is configured, you may be able to specify a shortened form of the name (e.g., Tiger) or you may have to specify the full DNS name (e.g., Tiger.ABCComputers.loc).
If the license server is not running on the default port (2380), specify the license server port by appending a colon followed by the port number to the end of the server name or IP address (e.g., Tiger:5555).
This field corresponds to the <SynergyLicenseServer... /> tag in App.Config. You can add, change, or remove this setting here (on the Runtime Settings page) or by manually editing the App.Config file.
Runtime environment variables
Use this to set environment variables used at runtime on Windows desktop/server systems. Changes you make here are reflected in <add key...value.../> pairs for the <SynergyEnvironment> tags in App.Config. You can add, change, and remove these settings with this grid or by manually editing the App.Config file. This grid has the following columns:
Name | Specifies the name of an environment variable that will be used at runtime. |
Value | Specifies a value (for example, a path) for the environment variable. |
Environment variables set on this page override synergy.ini and synuser.ini settings. See Environment variables and Visual Studio development for more information.
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We recommend setting environment variables shared by multiple executables in one shared synergy.ini file rather than in the “Runtime environment variables” grid (i.e., in App.Config files). You can then set the SFWINIPATH environment variable in App.Config files to point to the synergy.ini file. |