public class xfPoolException extends java.lang.Exception
Signals that there was an exception at the Java connection pool level. You should catch this exception if your code uses Java connection pooling.
This exception can indicate any of the following situations:
- Missing or incorrect data in the pooling properties file or the xfNetLink Java properties file.
- Problems creating the connections in the pool, including problems with xfServerPlus licensing.
- Errors that occur when calling the pooling support methods initialize and activate, including errors within the Synergy method being called. (Note that exceptions are not thrown for the other three pooling support methods—deactivate, cleanup, and poolable—but will be written to the log if pooling logging is enabled.)
Read the error message to determine what the specific problem is.
For more information on pooling, see Understanding Java pooling and Implementing Java pooling. For more information on errors, see Handling xfNetLink Java exceptions.