  News and updates for Synergy/DE Developers :: October 19, 2010
SPC 2010: See what attendees said about the conference.

SPC 2010


11/08 - 11/12/2010
Synergy Language Essentials

11/15 - 11/19/2010
Synergy/DE UI Toolkit Essentials

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William Mooney: Burned again!

Richard Morris: Mr Numpty�s hair stood on end. It must be the static!

SPC 2010: "exciting and very valuable"
See what attendees said about the recent 2010 Synergex Partner Conference

Where in the World is Synergy/DE?
Selling heaters – with the help of TV personalities Bob Vila and Richard Karn

Synergy/DE Tech Tip
xfODBC error: INTERNAL:ZEXMAIN:Multi RID overflow

Synergy/DE pros, see if you can answer this question!

Platform News
Read a selection of recent articles

Announcing the Q3 Support Survey Winner
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SPC 2010: “Overall exciting and very valuable.”
-David Blackburn, Turnkey Computer Systems

 “The sessions were awesome and the ability to chat with other users was great! Synergy has got to be one of the most powerful and flexible languages I have used and with Synergy.NET it just keeps getting better.”
-Gary Hoffmann, TechAnalysts, Inc.

These were just a couple of the testimonials from attendees at the recent Synergex Partner Conference in Sacramento. At the SPC, Synergy developers participated in hands-on exercises and multiple networking opportunities, and attended technical sessions and demos where they learned how to increase productivity and extend their applications. The conference featured the security, performance, and productivity-enhancing features in Synergy/DE 9.3, as well as the upcoming native Microsoft .NET support and Visual Studio integration in Synergy/DE 9.5.

Feedback from attendees has been extremely positive, and customers were very enthusiastic about the enhancements they can make right now to their applications to make them more modern and powerful. Marsha Alfaro of Wyndham Vacations raved, “I was amazed at the options and opportunities available to modernize our legacy Synergex application. 9.5 here I come!”

See what other SPC attendees said about the conference at

Thank you to all who attended and we look forward to seeing you next year.

Weren’t able to attend the SPC this year? Contact your Synergy/DE account manager to find out how your company can advance your applications with the latest features in Synergy/DE.

Where in the World is Synergy/DE?
Selling heaters – with the help of TV personalities Bob Vila and Richard Karn

Home improvement icons Bob Vila and Richard Karn use EdenPURE portable heaters in their homes – and love them so much that they are the current spokesmen for the product. The connection to Synergy/DE? EdenPURE heaters are produced by Synergex customer Suarez Corporation Industries, a worldwide leader in the direct marketing of hundreds of diversified products.

Suarez uses Synergy/DE-based applications to run almost every aspect of its company – from purchasing and order processing to campaign analysis and list management. They recently upgraded to Synergy/DE 9.3 in order to take advantage of the new encryption features that enable them to comply with PCI (Payment Card Industry) requirements. These requirements were established by credit card companies to protect cardholders’ information from hackers and thieves, and failure to comply with them can result in a company losing its ability to accept credit cards as a means of payment. “Losing this ability would basically kill our business,” states Michael A. Schumacher, IT Director at Suarez. “So we were very anxious to take advantage of this functionality in Synergy/DE 9.3.” The upgrade from 8.3 to 9.3 was seamless. “Literally, we started the upgrade at 1:00 PM on a Friday and were finished by 6:00 that night,” adds Schumacher. “Now our applications can encrypt credit card data and we are in full compliance with the PCI requirements.” Sales were boosted even higher by the addition recently of home improvement icons Bob Vila and Richard Karn as spokesmen for the EdenPURE product. “These guys are trusted fixtures in the home improvement arena and their endorsement of our product has helped sales to skyrocket,” states Schumacher.

Watch a video of Bob and Richard in action at, and learn more about Synergy/DE support for encryption at

Synergy/DE Tech Tip
xfODBC error: INTERNAL:ZEXMAIN:Multi RID overflow


The following SQL statement returns the error "[TOD][ODBC][GENESIS]INTERNAL:ZEXMAIN:Multi RID overflow":

SELECT * FROM gl_acct_chart WHERE ((yr_acct = �2009�) AND (code_co =� STM� OR code_co = �COR� OR code_co = �BEL�))

What could be causing this?


This error indicates that MERGESIZE is set to a value that is too small for the query. MERGESIZE optimizes SQL statements that have one or more OR clauses and can be increased by using SET OPTION MERGESIZE or the "Max number of rows" field in the xfODBC Setup window (the window that enables you to add and configure xfODBC DSNs).

For more information, see the SET OPTION command information in the xfODBC User's Guide, and note that you can find this error in the xfODBC User's Guide by searching the Synergy/DE online manuals for "Multi RID overflow".

Synergy/DE pros, see if you can answer this question!

You have two integer variables, X and Y, which contain the values 3 and 2, respectively. You also have an alphanumeric variable named output that is 12 bytes long. After the following statement, what is the value of output?

output = x + y         // 5

Which answer is correct?

a. "           5"
b. "           1"
c. "3.4000000000"
d. "           3"

Click here for the answer and explanation.

Platform News

Windows OpenVMS Unix
Announcing the Q3 Support Survey Winner
Is it you?

If you�re Gary Surma from MDI Achieve it is! Gary is the winner of the Q3 Developer Support Survey contest and the recipient of a $100 American Express gift card!

MDI Achieve is the leading provider of software to the eldercare industry, serving more than 7,500 clients. Their Synergy/DE-based ULTRACare product integrates marketing, admissions, billing, and clinical applications for all levels of care.

Want a chance to win? Let us know what you think! Customer satisfaction with our Developer Support is monitored and enhanced through the distribution of satisfaction surveys upon the closing of each support case. Each quarter, we choose a winner by randomly selecting the name of a customer who has completed a survey after working with Developer Support. So, next time you call on us for support, let us know how we did, and you could win $100 just for giving us your feedback.

Thanks to everyone who completed a Developer Support survey in Q3, and we look forward to hearing from you again.

If you do not currently have Synergy/DE Developer Support, contact your Synergy/DE account manager for more information.