Make Resource Center Community your development team’s Synergy KB
When perusing Resource Center Community, you might notice that a certain person posts a lot of questions in the Answers section and then answers them himself. Is he just showing off? Not at all. We recently sat down with Community superstar Ace Olszowka from Computers Unlimited, and he enlightened us. “I view Resource Center Community as a sort of Stack Overflow for Synergy,” explains Ace. (Stack Overflow is a large online community for programmers.) “Every time I have a question, or another developer on my team asks me a question, I post it in Answers—as well as the answer when I have it. That way, the information is always there for our team to reference, in an easily searchable way—and it’s also available to developers from other companies who may have the same question.” Ace encourages you to use Community the same way. “If you have a question, post it. If you find the answer, post it too. Who knows who else may have the same question down the road? Recently, I posted a question and answer regarding how to get logging from a standard MSI. Soon after, Jerry in Developer Support added a second answer letting me know that this log file is created automatically, with some details. This was something I never knew, and that will help us tremendously—and hopefully other developers as well.”
Be like Ace and join the conversation—consider making the Answers forum in Community your team’s Synergy KB too! |