October 31, 2016

In This Issue

Don't miss out! Mark your calendar for the 2017 Synergy DevPartner Conference
Has anyone ever asked you "What is Synergy DBMS and how does it compare to Relational Database Management Systems"?
Do you ever wonder why Ace answers his own questions?
Industry News
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Don't miss out!

Mark your calendar for the 2017 Synergy DevPartner Conference: May 8-12

We’re excited to bring the Synergy DevPartner Conference to Atlanta, GA, the second week in May! The annual DevPartner Conference is the must-attend event for Synergy developers, and 2017 will not disappoint. Learn all about Synergy/DE 10.3.5 and its many enhancements, including production-ready development and cross-platform visual debugging of traditional Synergy code inside Visual Studio. The conference will include technical sessions and demonstrations, in-depth hands-on workshops, and numerous networking opportunities. Stay tuned to Synergy-e-News, your email, and Twitter for details.

Has anyone ever asked you “What is Synergy DBMS and how does it compare to Relational Database Management Systems”?

A new article on the Synergex website has the answers you need

Synergy DBMS, a component of the Synergy/DE suite of application development tools, is a fast, reliable database similar to NoSQL that scales to thousands of users. From banking institutions (powering ATM transactions) to the medical industry (securing information in encrypted databases) to ERP solutions (storing, sorting, and retrieving hundreds of millions of rows of data daily), Synergy DBMS is used around the world by thousands of companies and more than a million users each day. Yet Synergy developers are sometimes asked “What is Synergy DBMS?” and “How does it compare to relational database management systems?”

To help you answer these questions, we wrote a short article and posted it on the Synergex website. It compares Synergy DBMS with RDBMS in a number of areas, including performance, reliability, and security. The position of the article is that both database solutions work exceptionally well, and it doesn’t matter exactly how data is stored, as long as resiliency and security requirements are met and the application can accomplish its performance goals.

We encourage you to check out the article, and if you find that it’s missing Synergy DBMS information on something you get asked about, please let us know so we can expand it.

Do you ever wonder why Ace answers his own questions?

Make Resource Center Community your development team’s Synergy KB

When perusing Resource Center Community, you might notice that a certain person posts a lot of questions in the Answers section and then answers them himself. Is he just showing off? Not at all. We recently sat down with Community superstar Ace Olszowka from Computers Unlimited, and he enlightened us. “I view Resource Center Community as a sort of Stack Overflow for Synergy,” explains Ace. (Stack Overflow is a large online community for programmers.) “Every time I have a question, or another developer on my team asks me a question, I post it in Answers—as well as the answer when I have it. That way, the information is always there for our team to reference, in an easily searchable way—and it’s also available to developers from other companies who may have the same question.” Ace encourages you to use Community the same way. “If you have a question, post it. If you find the answer, post it too. Who knows who else may have the same question down the road? Recently, I posted a question and answer regarding how to get logging from a standard MSI. Soon after, Jerry in Developer Support added a second answer letting me know that this log file is created automatically, with some details. This was something I never knew, and that will help us tremendously—and hopefully other developers as well.”

Be like Ace and join the conversation—consider making the Answers forum in Community your team’s Synergy KB too!

Industry News


Signals suggest next Windows 10 upgrade will be in March 2017

Windows users face update bloat, and tough choices

Beware of Hicurdismos: It’s a fake Microsoft Security Essentials installer that can lead to a support call scam


Microsoft rolls out Azure storage client library for Xamarin


The Dirty Cow Linux bug: A silly name for a serious problem

Ubuntu 16.10: The Linux for the cloud and containers arrives

Easy-to-exploit rooting flaw puts Linux computers at risk


Qualcomm reveals world's first 5G chip alongside Gigabit LTE network and router

Mobile users will get better, fresher Google search results

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