Applying an install code

On a new installation, an install code is used to transmit your registration string to Synergex. Synergex will email you an install code after you place an order, or you can obtain one from the Licenses area of the Synergex Resource Center. You will also need to apply an install code if a reinstallation following a hardware change causes the registration string to be regenerated.

(An install code is also required to change the licensee name, but you do not apply it in the same way; see Changing the licensee name for instructions.)

Each install code is valid for 14 days and cannot be reused. If you misplace the code, you can see it in the detail for the license in the Licenses area of the Synergex Resource Center. If it expires, you can obtain another one. (See Obtaining an install code.)

You can apply an install code from the command line or by using SynConfig. On Windows, you must do this on the license server (not a license client).

Run lmu with the -install option, followed by the code. For example,

lmu –install AB23

See lmu utility for more information about lmu command line options.

1. From the Licensing tab in SynConfig, click the Apply Install Code button.
2. Enter your code in the Apply Install Code dialog and click Apply.