System Options

A system option is a parameter set by the DBLOPT environment variable.

#1 - Default SEND queue

#2 - Default file specification on STOP

#3 - ISAM file I/O caching

#5 - CRT mode

#7 - Message manager

#10 - Interrupt character(s)

#11 - Rounding vs. truncation

#12 - Buffered terminal output

#13 - Default SEND queue

#16 - Quit character

#17 - Terminal number returned by TNMBR

#18 - In-place MERGE and logical end-of-file

#21 - Interrupt trapping

#22 - LPQUE statement

#23 - In-place MERGE and duplicate records

#27 - Suppression of record truncation I/O error

#28 - Mapping decimal data type to numeric

#29 - Dimensioned variable

#30 - Default terminal definition

#31 - IF statement format

#32 - Uppercasing and lowercasing

#33 - SHARE qualifier disabling

#34 - Command line syntax

#35 - VAX DIBOL-compatible functionality

#36 - File flushing

#37 - VAX DIBOL-compatible store

#38 - VAX DIBOL–compatible OPEN with O:P

#39 - VAX DIBOL–compatible OPEN with TT: and echoing characters

#40 - XCALL profiling

#41 - Cumulative XCALL profiling

#42 - Profiling regardless of compiler options

#43 - Stop message

#44 - No flush on CLOSE

#45 - Invalid key checking

#47 - Local message manager

#48 - Initialize SQL Connection

#49 - Disable debug on OpenVMS

#50 - Continue NOLOCK I/O when record locking error occurs

#52 - Line profiling

#53 - RECORD defaults to LOCAL RECORD

#54 - Relax rules for compiling with -qcheck

#55 - Map Q_NO_LOCK to Q_NO_TLOCK

#56 - Ignore GRFA on GETRFA and RFA qualifiers


System options #9, #14, #20, #25, and #26 were removed from Synergy DBL. If set, they are ignored.