Utility Routines

Toolkit’s utility routines handle a plethora of actions essential to your application. The two most important are U_START and U_FINISH, which are used to initialize and shut down the Toolkit environment. Other utility routines handle such tasks as loading and manipulating windows, performing file I/O and channel maintenance, standardizing messages, and key mapping, among others.

U_ABORT - Process an abort

U_ABOUT - Display an “About” help window

U_BAR - Place or remove the menu bar or information line

U_BEEP - Ring the terminal bell

U_CHARSB - Copy or load scroll bar characters

U_CHECKVERSION - Check for minimum version of a product

U_CHNINF - Return information about a channel

U_CHR - Accept one character from the terminal

U_CLOSE - Close or purge a channel

%U_CMDLINOPT - Search for a command line option

U_CNVDAT - Convert lunar and Julian dates

U_CREATESB - Create a scroll bar window

U_CTRCONTEXT - Establish context within a child window

U_DCDDAT - Decode an alpha date string into its numeric components

U_DCDTIM - Decode an alpha time string into its numeric components

U_DEBUG - Invoke the UI Toolkit window debugger

U_DIALOG - Generate and process a dialog box

U_EDIT - Edit text and control line breaks in a window

U_EDITKEYS - Edit a key map

U_EDITREND - Create and modify rendition schemes

%U_ENUMWNDS - Return a list of windows in a library

U_FINISH - Terminate the UI Toolkit environment

U_FLASH - Flash a message window

U_FLD - Accept one field from the terminal

U_FMTDAT - Format a date value into an alpha date string

U_FMTTIM - Format a time value into an alpha time string

U_FNDFIL - Search for a file

U_GBLCHN - Give channel global status

U_GBLWND - Give window global status

U_GETCHN - Obtain a channel

%U_GETFILENAME - Prompt user for filename

U_GETTXT - Get text from the text library

%U_GETWNDERR - Get a window system error

U_HELPREND - Use help window renditions

%U_HTMLHELP - Invoke HTML Help

%U_ICON - Set an icon or get an icon count

U_INITREND - Reset Toolkit renditions

U_LDREND - Load a rendition scheme

U_LDWND - Load a window from a library

U_LOGWND - Log a window as global or local

U_MESSAGE - Display a message

U_MINVERSION - Check for minimum Synergy/DE product versions

U_MODREND - Modify the current rendition scheme

U_MONTHS - Assign alpha characters to represent months

%U_MSGBOX - Pop up a Windows-style message box

U_OPEN - Open a channel/file

U_PARSEVERSION - Parse a version number

U_POPUP - Pop up a window

%U_PRINTQUERY - Retrieve printer characteristics

%U_PRINTSETUP - Display a Print Setup dialog box

U_REDRAW - Clear screen and redraw it

U_REND - Process display renditions

U_RESIZE - Resize the screen

U_RESIZESB - Resize a scroll bar window

U_RLSCHN - Release a channel

U_RSTREND - Restore renditions

U_SAVE - Save a window to a window library

%U_SAVELOG - Save an initialization setting to synergy.ini or synuser.ini

%U_SAVESETTINGS - Save application window settings to synergy.ini or synuser.ini

U_SAVREND - Save a rendition scheme to a file

%U_SELPALETTE - Select a color palette entry

U_START - Initialize the UI Toolkit environment

U_STOREND - Store a rendition scheme

U_TEXT - Load and modify text library entries

U_UPDATE - Update screen

U_UPDATESB - Update a scroll bar window

U_VERSION - Return UI Toolkit version number

U_WAIT - Wait for a user response

%U_WINCELLS - Convert pixels to fractional rows or columns

%U_WINCOLOR - Perform Windows-specific color operations

U_WINDOW - Place/move/remove/delete windows

%U_WINHELP - Invoke WinHelp Help

%U_WININFO - Return Windows-specific information

%U_WINMETRICS - Return window information

%U_WNDEVENTS - Associate methods with mouse events

%U_WNDFONT - Set/retrieve font information on Windows

%U_WNDSTYLE - Change the style of a list or window

%U_WNDTYPE - Return a window’s type

USTART_METHOD - Perform application start-up processing

%UWNDEVENTS_METHOD - Perform window event processing